Big marketing companies are worth every penny! Just one caveat.

Big marketing companies are worth every penny!
Just one caveat.

Most of us in business have heard about “Big Business” and how they spend multiple thousands and millions on their marketing budgets. And Big Business isn’t stupid and they wouldn’t keep doing that if they didn’t get a return on their investment (ROI). They hire big marketing firms and off they go.

Huge budgets
Now, I have worked with many big marketing agencies over the past decades and they all do pretty much the same things. Have much the same steps and procedures. They also have dozens and dozens of people working for them, under one roof, and can strategize and plan for consistent branding, with a new (if needed) campaign that gets the best results.

It ain’t rocket science, but it is a Swiss watch
But, the good news is, us mere mortals, can follow in their huge footsteps. It is a ton of steps and gears, like a fine watch though. We just have to do the same things, run consistent ads, compare one ad with another, making the ads more and more effective. We can just do that with a lot less people for a much smaller budget. Through ads, we can entice potential clients got to the website and download a lead magnet, fill out a quiz, look at a flow chart, and start a dialogue with our clients. Promote what makes our clients better, or different and how that can help their clients with their needs. From there, the client will complete the transaction and deliver what we have been promoting.

The new tools
Until recently, we couldn’t do the same steps effectively simply because there wasn’t the tools to assists us with that process(s). Now, we have a whole slew of great tools, and some of them come bundled into an even more cost effective package called a “CRM”. (See my blog How to choose a CRM). Now a few people can do what a huge marketing firm can do (on a smaller scale for sure.)

Why we are here
That’s why we started Avatar Marketing Works, not to compete with the big marketing firms. But to offer similar help to smaller businesses and entrepreneurs that need the help but can’t afford huge budgets. We are strictly online digital marketers for the most part. That’s where our interests lie. If a Big Business came to me with millions of dollars to spend, and asked my opinion as to who should help them market, I’d send them to a big marketing agency. But for small to medium businesses, with small to medium budgets, I’d tell them to give Avatar Marketing Works a try.

The most important part
It’s consistency that is the most important part, and that is the reason big marketers succeed, they do that part. When I ask a client to write a blog once a month to help with organic SEO, they just don’t find the time to do it. When I ask them to run an ad regularly and tell that that it takes 7 interactions with an ad, or a brand, before it really “registers’ with a potential clients mind, they still don’t do it. That is why I suggest, when you come aboard with Avatar Marketing Works, that we will do that consistency part, that is why the monthly fee is so crucial. Once the plane is in the air, you need to regularly check to see if any wind buffeting has thrown the flight off-course.

So, now … if you have been doing something that isn’t getting the results you desire, may I suggest you do something different and contact us at Avatar Marketing Works. Email us at


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