In bad times double down on effective social media marketing to thrive.

In bad times double down on effective social media marketing to thrive.

These are some pretty interesting times. COVID wiped out many businesses and others made more money during the same period. Same with 2008 and even “The Great Depression” of the thirties.

Campbell Soup
I just gave you the answer … At the beginning of the depression of the thirties, there was over 2 dozen National soup companies, at the end of the depression there was only one. Campbell Soup. Why? Campbell Soup advertised (marketed) throughout the whole Depression. They kept their brand name one everyone’s lips through radio and print advertising.

When the economy is depressed, most people have money but are afraid to spend it. So, our job as marketers is to continue to educate to potential customers that what we are providing is worth buying. Your business should be offering at least one reason that makes your goods or services different from your competition. And hopefully more than one.

In praise of lead-magnets
Then, you continue to beat that drum in everyday that is possible without being cheesy. Today’s potential customers are educated, and don’t like being talked down to, or pushed. They want to be educated in a courteous way. Lead magnets allow these customers read your free-downloadable brochure.

This allows you to continue a dialog with them, which is exactly where you want to be. The possibility goes way up when you actually have their ear. Treat them like you would your best friend.

Look at your ideal customer profile, and make up 1-3 different examples of what they are like. Marketing to a 18-25 person is different than marketing to a 35-55 person. Each uniqueness that can be proven is another way to communicate more effectively with your potential customer. Facebook is chock full of 50+, TikTok has 187-25 year olds. Instagram everyone in between. The better your profiles, the more effective your results will be.

Rinse and repeat
It can be a lot to think about, and consulting a good online marketer can help. They have access to tools that can you be more effective. Once you test your ads, or lead magnets, test one against a second one, the better one will be obvious almost right away. Once the best ad comes forward, run social media ads targeted at your ideal customer profiles. And do it more and more until the ad effectiveness dwindles. No ad works forever, so periodically come up with new ads and test them against. This cycle is meant to run continuously, or as long as you want new customers to purchase your good or services. The initial ads will have an up-hill curve, but once your crested the hill, keeping the ads running is easier.

This online environment is a coordinated concert of social media ads driving people to your website which is also set up to continue marketing to your ideal customer. It takes both to be the most effective.

If you don’t A-S-K, you don’t G-E-T
We at Avatar Marketing Works would love to talk with you about the possibilities for you and your business. It’s free and painless. We can do a quick (15-minute chat) overview of your current website and we can run down the checklist of effective tools that can help every website.


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